Saturday 8 September 2012


I learnt to make these in a cooking class at school and unfortunately this is one of my only baking recipies that isn't gluten-free. I have tried to make them with gluten-free flour but so far I've not got them to work. But anyway... these couldn't really be simpler; 4 ingredients and only 4 steps to getting them into the oven!
Iced Biscuits with Rice Flour Decorations


100g Plain Flour
50g Caster Sugar
50g Butter
1 Egg (beaten)







In a mixing bowl rub the flour into the butter to make a breadcrumb consistentcy.

Then add the sugar and stir with a spoon

Next add the beaten egg a bit at a time (you may not need the whole egg) mix the egg into a mixture with a knife until it starts to come together in a dough. When this happens you can get your hands in and finnish forming the dough by hand - add more flour if necessary.

Now the dough is made (try not to play with it too much as it will get sticky) cover a worksurface in flour and use a rolling pin to thinly roll out the dough. When you're happy with the thickness, use a cutter to create the biscuits and then but them onto a lined baking tray.

Repeat this step with the excess dough.

Place the biscuits into the oven at 180*c for approximately 10minutes. The time will vary according to the thickness of your biscuits so it's a good idea to keep an eye on them.

When the biscuits are baked, leave them to cool on a wire rack (don't worry if they feel soft when you take them out of the oven, they will crisp up once cool).

The biscuits are then ready to eat if you like plain biscuits but personally I like them iced. Glace icing and decorations works best (see my cupcake blog for this method) or covering them in melted chocolate is also a good choice!