Saturday 28 April 2012

Easy Peasy Pancakes

So the photo isn't great but these pancakes are really easy to make and very tasty - so it would be a shame to only make them once a year!


110g plain flour (sifted)
Pinch of salt
2 Eggs (Beaten)
200 ml Milk
75ml Water
2 Tablespoons of Melted Butter (I find Flora Cusine works well)



Using a hand whisk (not electronic) beat the flour slat and eggs together, it will look like a lumpy mess and stick to the whisk but its ok!

Then measure the milk and water into a jug and gradually pour into the mixture - whisking as you go, this will make a thin batter.

Next add in the butter/flora cusine and whisk again so that little bubbles appear.

Now it's time for the cooking! Heat a small pan (approx 7inches) and add some more butter/flora to grease the pan.

Laddle the mixture into the pan and swirl until it fills the base of the pan - heat until golden brown on both sides. Don't forget to flip it (or use a spatular to turn if you dont think you can manage the flip - this is what I do!)

Serve with lemon and sugar for a traditional taste, or ice-cream and maple syrup for a real treat!

I tend to cook all the pancakes at once (using baking paper to seperate them on a plate) and then re-heat (5min in a warm oven) so that everyone can enjoy them together. Alternatively you can re-fridgerate any excess mixture to cook later.

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